Here is a selfie of Cordelia and I in the shrine mirror at Kawai Shrine here in Kyoto during her recent photo shoot.
The shrine mirror is an interface between our world and the world of the gods (kami). According to John Dougill at "The circular mirror of Shinto is a potent symbol. One often sees it when visiting shrines, where it stands on the altar as representative of the kami. It can play a more vital role too, for it sometimes functions as the ‘spirit-body’ (goshintai) of the kami. The idea is that the spirit enters into the object to take physical form. The mirror thus acts as an interface between the physical and spiritual realms of existence. What could be more appropriate for the meeting between them than the illusionary nature of a reflecting mirror?" Of course, if you look into the mirror to see a god, who do you see? Comments are closed.